- Outstanding Paper Award, The Seventeenth International Conference on Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems, 2022.
- Best Crowd Award, The Seventeenth International Conference on Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems, 2022.
- Outstanding Paper Award, International Journal of Crowd Science, 2020.
- Best Professor of the Year, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, 2019.
- Honorable Mention Award, International Tourism Congress 2015 (ITC 2015) , 2015.
- Award for Research Encouragement, Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society, 2015.
- Achievement Award for organizing the International Conference on Software Engineering, Network, Artificial Intelligence, and Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE & ACIS, 2014.
- Best Professor of the Year, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, 2014.
- Competitive paper award, International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research2013 (ATISR2013), 2013.
- Achievement Award for organizing the International Conference on Computer and Information Science, IEEE & ACIS, 2013.
- Best Paper Award (1/450), International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Sensor Application 2012.
- Award for Outstanding MICE Management, Japan National Tourism Organization, 2011.
- Outstanding Supervising Award, Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society, 2011.
- Award for Research Encouragement, Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society, 2011.
- Achievement Award for organizing the International Conference on Computer and Information Science, IEEE & ACIS, 2010.
- Achievement Award for organizing the International Conference on Software Engineering, Network, Artificial Intelligence, and Parallel and Distributed Systems, ACIS, 2009.
- Outstanding Supervisor Award, Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society, 2009.
- Achievement Award for organizing the IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on e-Activity, IEEE & ACIS, 2008.
- Award for Research Encouragement, Intelligence Cosmos Foundation, 2008.
- Research Encouraging Award, Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society, 2008.
- Achievement Award for organizing the IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on e-Activity, IEEE & ACIS, 2007.
- Yamashita Research Award, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 2007.
- Young Researcher Award, FIT 2005, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 2006.
- Research Encouraging Award, Personal Computer Users’ Application Technology Association, 2005.
- Telecom System Technology Award, Students Award, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, 2005.
- Students Research Encouraging Award of The Tokai Regional Section of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), 2004.
- 1. Tokuro Matsuo (C.I.), Takayuki Ito (P.I.), “Hyper-democracy: Realization of Large Scale Consensus Formation Support System based on Social Multi Agent Systems”, JST CREST, $3,300,000, 2020-2025.
- Tokuro Matsuo (C.I.), Satoshi Yoshida, (P.I.), Re-designning on user-generated functional aspects for Lean Startup product development, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 15,990,000JPY, 2021-2022.
- “Quantitative Research of Traffic Jam Using Route Selection Game and Its Application.” C.I. with Satoshi Takahashi, P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 16,640,000JPY, #20H04146, 2020-2024.
- “Study on Invitation of International Convention to Enhance the Motivation of Participation.” C.I. with Hidekazu Iwamoto, P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 4,160,000JPY, #20K12433, 2020-2022.
- “Generation of Orthogonal Sub-spaces for Efficient Learning in Layered Neural Networks with Asymmetric Structures.” C.I. with Naohiro Ishii, P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 3,900,000JPY, #20K11957, 2020-2022.
- “Large-scale Consensus Support Systems based on Agent Technologies”, C.I. with Takayuki Ito, P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 474,916,000JPY, #JPMJCR15E1, 2015-2020.
- “Development of Mechanism Design System to Enhance Trustiness of Traders in Electronic Market.” P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 16,640,000JPY, #15H02972, 2015-2018.
- “Research on Effective Operation and Service Management in International Conferences.” P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 3,250,000JPY, #24653079, 2012-2013.
- “Safe and Rational Task Trading Mechanism in Information Goods.” P.I., Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 5,376,520JPY, 2010-2011.
- “Robust E-Commerce Mechanism based on Computational Mechanism Design.” P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 3,900,000JPY, #21700151, 2009-2011.
- “Robust Auction Mechanism to Detect Frauders.” P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Startup), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2,800,000JPY, #18800036, 2006-2008.
- “Design and Implementation of e-Business Support Mechanisms based on Computational Mechanism Design Theories.” C.I. with Takayuki Ito, P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 18,580,000JPY, #18300049, 2006-2009.
- “Implementing an Electronic Commerce Mechanism based on Software Agents.” C.I. with Tadachika Ozono, P.I., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 17,440,000JPY, #17300046, 2005-2008.
Funding and Donation
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Research Grant, CASIO Foundation, 2009.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Research Grant, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, 2008.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Research Grant, Intelligence Cosmos Foundation, 2009.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Research Grant, Intelligence Cosmos Foundation, 2008.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Grant for Doctorate Receiver, Foundation for NEC C&C Promotion, 2006-2007.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., The Daiko Fundation, 2004.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Sasagawa Scientific Research Grant, The Japan Science Society, 2003-2004. (Acceptance rate 19%)
Research Grant from Private Company
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Research funds, OME Inc., Oct., 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Research funds, Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd., April., 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Research funds, OME Inc., April., 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Donation for research from a company, 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Research funds, Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd., April., 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Research funds, Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd., April., 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo P.I., Research funds, Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd., April., 2011.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Donation for research from a company, 2007.
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Donation for research from a company, 2005.
Research Grant from the University
- Tokuro Matsuo, P.I., Grant for Strategic Research Projects, Yamagata University, 2007.
Travel/Publication Grant
- Tokuro Matsuo, NEC C&C Promotion, 2007.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu, 2007.
- Tokuro Matsuo, IEICE Tokai section, 2005.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Tatematsu Foundation, 2005.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu, 2005.
- Tokuro Matsuo, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, 2004.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Inoue Foundation for Science, 2004.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Tatematsu Foundation, 2004.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Toyoaki Foundation, 2004.
- Tokuro Matsuo, International Information Science Foundation, 2002. (Acceptance rate 16%)
- Tokuro Matsuo, Foundation for C&C Promotion, 2003.
- Tokuro Matsuo, Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu, 2003.
Scholarship Awards
- AAAI Scholarship Award, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2005.
- AAAI Scholarship Award, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2004.